\I am very interested in the 50th class reunion it sure has been a long time if you want you or Vermelle Garrett can e-mail me @jeanbean818@optonline.net It would really be nice to see everyone afterA all these years....
Mike, I am happy to know about the reunion. I have been in touch with Vermelle Garrett Iannotta and am willing to help. Last night, I posted the reunion details on classmates.com for members of my class. They did not give me a chance to send the info to members of other classes, but you might encourage the chairs of other years to do that.
In addition, I made a list of all the members of 1959 who are listed on classmates.com. One listed as "lost" was Fran Palazzolo Ochoa...I have her address and we have been communicating in recent years. She also contributed to this website below with an email address for John Pancari of '58.
This will be a great reunion. Paul and I will be there with bells on.
My sister Lois (Lane) freeman class of 1960 passed away June of 2001, do to cancer My other sister Lillian (Lane) Bryant lives at 659 Outlook Ave, W. Babylon, NY. 11704. She would like you to contact her With all the information on the reunion coming up. Good luck with it, and best wishes to all. Bob Lane class 1972
Fifty Years already! Glad to hear that a reunion is planned. Can you provide more details and where the location is. I am a Wisconsinite. Thanks, Grace Nicholson-Maly