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Mr Burns Plainedge High School


Mr Burns Plainedge High School

Perry Markowitz

mr. Burns


I learned a few months ago that Mr. Burns passed away. 

He was a great teacher and will be missed.

Perry Markowitz

Class of '73

r hertz

Mr Burns Plainedge High School


any one hear about that teacher in Colorado spewing forth his liberal crap. Kind of reminds me of Mr.

BJ- class of 1969

mr. Burns


I always thought that Fox News was a right wing operation and that Joseph McCarthy was a dangerous individual who took advantage of the Cold War mentality. He ruined many lives because too many people and government leaders were frightened enough to believe in the theory that Communism was going to 'take over'. It seems to me that were are living in a similar era. We have not learned from our mistakes.

His Lawyer was non other then Roy Cohn

Roy Marcus Cohn was an American attorney. During Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigations into Communist activity in the United States during the Second Red Scare, Cohn served as McCarthy's chief counsel and gained special prominence during the Army.

Roy Cohn and Donald Trump



George Class of 1976

Wow---Fox News a tool of the left????!?
Incredible thought..and frightening.......

Knowledge Seeker -- Class of 1989

Ed sounds like a very intelligent person to me.


The Knowledge Seeker

April 3, 2006


Did you even bother to read what I said?  You were denegrating the country as now being in the "neo-McCarthey era".  I stated that McCarthy WAS right about a lot of things.  It's a fact.  And when did I say I wanted to silence anybody?  Actually, don't you think the shoe is on the other foot?  Besides Fox News, all of the other major media outlets are controlled by and heavily influenced by the left wing of this country.  Now whose being silenced? 

Knowledge Seeker -- Class of 1989

Top Bush Advisor Proclaims Mandate 18 February 2005 Los Angeles Times

Karl Rove, President Bush's top political strategist, pronounced conservatism the "dominant political creed in America" on Thursday and coached fellow conservatives on how to support his boss.

"The next time one of your smarty-pants liberal friends says to you, 'Well, he didn't have a mandate,' you tell him of this delicious fact: This president got a higher percentage of the vote than any Democratic candidate for president since 1964," Rove said. 

In 2004, Bush was reelected with about 51% of the vote. In 1976, Jimmy Carter received just more than 50%, and in the two times Bill Clinton was elected, he received less than 50% of the vote. Independent Ross Perot was on the ballot both times.

Bush is the first president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to be reelected while his party gained seats in the House and Senate, Rove said.

But he also cautioned his conservative supporters that they must not become complacent with the 2004 victory.

Rove, appointed White House deputy chief of staff last week, told a gathering at the Conservative Political Action Conference that Bush was committed to the members' ideas of fostering morality and values, including protecting the culture of life for every human person -- a goal that generated applause from the crowd at the Ronald Reagan Building.

"Conservatism is the dominant political creed in America," Rove said, adding that more needed to be done.

He also said the administration was committed to spreading democracy across the Middle East and reforming and modernizing Social Security, healthcare, public education and the tax code.

"Those who oppose this agenda are in a difficult position," Rove said. "They're attempting to block reforms to systems that almost every serious-minded person concedes need reform.... That's not a good place to be in American politics."

Vice President Dick Cheney dropped by later to thank the conservatives for their political support, and he promised that the administration would continue to pursue consistent economic and foreign policies.

Seeker of the Truth
I am utterly saddened by this pathetic,
poorly written article by Mark Landsbaum. Some of our population, in the name of Christianity, has ceased to evolve. Its only ability is to spew meaningless, yet dangerous venom. I am horrified that we still have people who think this way....They are the true danger to our way of life.

Knowledge Seeker -- Class of 1989

Mr Burns Plainedge High School



Say What?

Mark Landsbaum


Discussion and debate has degenerated to meaningless babble with opposing sides talking past each other. In this dialogue, words no longer have meaning, or at least meaning everyone agrees on. Welcome to postmodern America.


Case in point: Thousands of demonstrators flooded city streets this week demanding justice for sub rosa immigrants who illegally have snuck across the U.S. border to receive taxpayer-financed benefits like education, health care and subsidized transportation, while taking jobs and artificially driving down wages that impoverished legal residents sorely could have used. On the face of it, one might assume that a demand for justice would be a call for the quaint, old-fashioned notion of lawbreakers being brought to justice, as in arrested, tried and convicted for their crimes.


Not quite. When these demonstrators demand justice, what they really mean is that they demand mercy, grace and forgiveness. They arent asking for what they deserve, which is the definition of justice. Instead, they demand mercy, which is not getting punished as they really deserve, and grace, which is getting something good that they dont deserve, and forgiveness, which is being absolved of all guilt for their crimes.


With such convoluted rhetoric, the merits of the issue are lost in the noise. Protesters demand what they call justice, but those they demand it from hear something entirely different: a demand for mercy, grace and forgiveness. How do we discuss, let alone debate, demands for justice when we cant even agree on what justice is? Its impossible when you say potato and I hear pajamas. As the song writer wrote, its tempting to just call the whole thing off.


You say justice, but mean, getting what you want. When I say justice I mean, getting what you deserve.


In the same way, you say gay, but mean, consider me normal. I say homosexual, and mean, abnormal, unhealthy, sinful.


You say, a living wage, but mean enough money to buy what you want. I say minimum wage, and mean, pay thats commensurate with entry-level ability and experience.


You say, choice, but mean doing away with what is inconvenient. I say, abortion, and mean the killing of your own baby.

Its as if we are speaking different languages. Indeed, we are. Yours is the language of entitlement. You want, therefore you demand and expect to receive. Mine is the language of standards in which your wants, and for that matter my wants, dont dictate what you or I get.


Your language presumes that you ought to get what you want. Mine presumes that what you or I may want is entirely a secondary issue, subordinate to what is just, normal and moral.


Heres the rub. Now that you have succeeded in stripping away words real meaning, any apparent compromise really means that you win. Any compromise simply would be yet another perversion of the words original meaning. A compromise on abortion would mean some babies are killed and others not. A compromise on enforcing immigration laws would mean some criminal activity is permitted and some not. A compromise on entry level wages would mean some wages are determined by supply and demand and some not. A compromise on acceptance of homosexuality as just another lifestyle would mean some abnormal, unhealthy, sinful behavior is endorsed, and some not. In every case compromise precludes what is just, normal and moral, no matter how flowery you make it sound. As wise men once told us, a little a little leaven leavens the whole lump.

Words matter. Or at least they used to. But today words have become pliant to the point of meaninglessness. Why? Because if you demanded what you really wanted, you know that your demand would sound patently absurd.


You would have to demand mercy, grace and forgiveness for breaking innumerable laws, denying lawful residents jobs and depressing wages. You would have to demand the right for men to engage in anal sex with other men. You would have to demand the right to be paid more than your labor is worth. You would have to demand the right to murder your own child. None of these demands put in plain language would be popular or persuasive. Thats why you have obfuscated by redefining up as down and right as wrong.

You have made great strides in perverting the English language, reshaping it like a wax nose until words take on entirely new and utterly absurd meanings.


Once upon a time, it was understood universally that murder is the intentional, wrongful killing of a person, who would not die naturally if left alone or if medically treated. But you have changed even that. Now you demand compassion and dignity and, yes again, choice, in order to mercifully euthanize people who are not dying, but whose quality of life doesnt measure up to someones standard.


Shame on you. At least as long as that word still has meaning.


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In addition to being a Staff Writer for the New Media Alliance, Mark Landsbaum is a Christian freelance writer, member of the Evangelical Press Association, a published author and former award-winning Los Angeles Times reporter from Diamond Bar, California. In a 24-year newspaper career, his coverage resulted in arrests, prison sentences, new laws and court injunctions to halt improper government activity, and a nomination by The Times for a Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting. Since leaving The Times, Landsbaum's freelance news articles and commentary columns have been published by Concerned Women for America, Christian Examiner, Baptist News, Good News Etc., New Wineskins Magazine,, David Horowitz's Front Page Magazine, the news portal, the Arizona Republic and the Philadelphia Inquirer, among others.


The opinions expressed in this column represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or philosophy of


RE: mr. Burns

What is "right" Ed? Only what you believe? Have we gotten to a stage in our history in which we are going to silence anyone who doesn't agree with the extreme right (no pun intended) ? If so, then we are really in trouble.

yes, it's very refreshing to have people in this country who hate everyting it stands for yet don't hate it enough to reap it's riches.  BTW, as much as you might think McCarthy was on a crazy witch hunt, try reading the report on the Verona Project.  Turns out that thet crazy man was right after all..... 

Knowledge Seeker -- Class of 1989

I Am A tired American
Warner Todd Huston
March 8, 2006

I am tired of many things going on today, things that seem designed to undermine and destroy our great country. Certainly, we all have the right to express our opinions and, naturally, every American holding any particular ideology will see things that do not correspond to his idea of the "real America" at any given time. It is right and good that we, as citizens, should seek to make the changes we think necessary to make our country strong. We can all agree that people of intelligence and integrity might agree to disagree, but there are some things about a country, that when abandoned or abruptly changed, creates a place markedly different than what it was previously.

But I am tired of the many people who are native to this country that want to destroy what it is to make it into what it isn't, never was, and cannot be. This self-destructive behavior must be stopped if we wish this country to be as great into the future as it has been in the past.

I am tired of the Constitution being treated as if it is written on a chalkboard to be erased and re-written at will. I am tired of judges imagining they can write laws instead of just read them. There is a reason that judges are said to be "reading law" and why they aren't legislators.

I am tired of people claiming that this country isn't a "Christian nation." When 51 out of 55 members of our Constitutional Convention were Christian, when nearly every president has taken the oath of office with his hand on the Christian Bible, and when Congress has opened every session with a prayer, it is ridiculous to claim this isn't a majority Christian nation. I am tired of people imagining that the Constitution says it is freedom from religion and not freedom of religion.

I am tired of teachers who imagine that teaching feelings is better than teaching facts. Tired of schools that operate as if self-esteem is more important than math, science or the correct answers on a test. I am ashamed that American children know more about the Simpsons cartoon than they do of American history and angry that our schools don't seem to care.

I am tired of people who claim that any American president has ever been "just like Hitler" or "just like the terrorists." These people reveal that they don't know the definition of "terrorist" or the history and crimes of Hitler.

I am tired of being told that our nation is "just as racist now as it has always been," even though the opportunity for minorities in the USA tops that of nearly every other country now or in history. Further, I am tired of the racism that did exist in the USA in generations past being claimed as worse than that of any other country or people in history even though it then existed side by side with the same racism everywhere. Every race color and creed has been a slave or oppressed by some other race color or creed since man first ventured out from his own cave. America did not invent racism, but America has done much to eliminate it.

I am tired of people who think all our soldiers are thugs or are too stupid to make it in the "real world" and that their only chance in life was to join the military. Despite that the US military has always had the most independent minded and selfless soldiers in the history of the world and despite that the US military has far more often been deployed to feed the starving, clothe the destitute, and rebuild other people's country after disasters, these people want to tear down our homegrown heroes and I am bone-weary, tired of it.

I am tired of being told that Americans "deserve" to die just because they got up to go to work that day. No one, anywhere, deserves to be blown up in an office building, a disco, a mall or as they travel in a commuter train. I am tired of being told that the people who perpetrate such acts are driven to it by the United States and merely need to be "understood" instead of stopped. Sick of being told they should be treated like a purse-snatcher instead of a terrorist.

I am tired of actors being somehow considered as "experts" on issues that they portrayed in a movie. Acting like a doctor studying a disease or acting like a lawyer representing the downtrodden does not equal being one or having the expertise to discuss it in the halls of Congress. I am also tired of singers who think that because they have sold a few thousand albums they are entitled to impose their every harebrained political, environmental, or religious theory upon their audiences. Playing a guitar does not qualify one for brain surgery or rocket science. Being able to rhyme with a mouthful of gold-plated teeth does not make one a philosopher.

I am tired of comedians who present every southerner as a buck toothed, knuckle dragging, moron who can't think beyond a six-pack of beer and a hunting rifle. I am also tired of so-called artists who think it amusing to cover religious icons in dung or use the American flag as a doormat. And I am sick and tired of our Federal tax dollars going to fund such trash.

I am tired of every TV show presenting American parents as stupid, selfish, dolts who are uninterested in their children's well being. I am also sick of children in those same shows being presented as smarter than every adult in the series. Children are not "little adults" they are CHILDREN.

I am tired ... and repulsed... by the sexualization of our children. As young girls' clothing gets smaller, tighter and more revealing we desensitize everyone to the joys of being a child and cause young people to delve into areas for which they are unprepared by nature to fully comprehend or deal with. I am tired of sex being peddled to our children by Madison Avenue and the music industry.

I am tied of every company being presented as an evil monster that wishes its employees to be ripped from the bosoms of their family to work for slave wages when the American worker has one of the highest continuing standards of living in history.

I am tired of the political elite who look upon the space between Washington DC and Los Angeles as "Fly over country" fit only for the moronic, lowly and unimportant people. Even though it is those same people whom they fleece on a continuing basis to pay for their comfortable living, from whom they acquire their free health care, and from whose generosity they retire with bloated pensions.

I am tired of people who feel that government should be our Mother and Father, giving those politicians such power. Tired of people who want everyone else to take responsibility for giving them the money to buy liquor and supply them with Play-Stations and cell phones. Sick of people who imagine anything they desire is somehow owed to them just because they were born.

I am tired of sports fans that imagine that because the team they support wins a series this, then, gives them the right to burn people's automobiles, destroy businesses, or perpetrate violence. Sports do not justify criminal behavior. I am also tired of the millionaire players who act like petulant 12 year-olds, breaking the law, doing and dealing drugs, and treating women and the public like playthings just because they think they are "stars."

And, finally, I am tired of patriotism being presented as some sort of disease or mental illness. I am proud that this great country has sponsored some of the greatest inventions in history. It has entertained and let soar the imagination of every soul on the planet. It has raised the standard of living for every nation on earth. It has brought food and products of necessity to the world. It is responsible for bringing democracy to many oppressed peoples across both time and geography. It truly has been a beacon of freedom spreading its light o'er the earth.

America is not an evil place. And I am sick and tired of being told it is.

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as,,, and, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, and appears in the new book "Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture," which can be purchased on He is also the owner and operator of Feel free to contact him with any comments or questions at

Francesca Ochoa

Mr Burns Plainedge High School


How great that we still have a few people left in this country that are not afraid to be liberal and progressive. How totally pathetic that we live in a neo Macarthy era in which they are silenced.

Florence Zarem

Yes I do remember Mr Blitz had  him for Homeroom and Science. 

Is he still around? He was a good teacher as long as you did something like draw a picture he would not fail you!


Was he a history teacher?

Does anyone remember Mr Blitz from Southedge?

John McCue

What ever happened to Mr. Burns from Plainedge High School?

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