The first Plainedge school was housed in a two-room, wood-frame schoolhouse that became known as the "Annex." It served the district until about 1952 when the John H. West Elementary School was built. It was then updated and used as the school district's administration office.
A kindergarten class' picture, taken in 1959 at the Temple Annex School.
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Tom Dundon - Class (or some would say lack of) of 1972 - hung out mostly with 71' grads tho' - living in Daytona Fla - riding my Harley - Medical Equipment tech - still have most..... well some of my hair.
All '64 Alumni - please visit for info on classmates and upcoming reunion . Register while there. We still have lots of missing classmates.
Long time -- hope all is well. Have you been in touch with Artie, Bob or Charlie? I miss the 66 Chevy Impala with the corvette engine you had. Those were great times-- I still see Joannie and Jay every once in a while.
Don't know if you remember me. I first knew you from your sister Debbie who dated my brother Henry. And then again I knew you thru Pat Ossino-who I still am intouch with. How are you and you sis. We are all still on LI. If you remember me and Henry and Patty too!
Hi every one, its great to see so many people out there, If any one wants to chat about old times, drop a line at hope every one is fine.
Hi Jude Quinn! I was a few years behind you, I graduated in '80. I hope all is well with you.I was friends with your sister Theresa. I was wondering about her. How is she doing? Where does she live, etc.
Jude, I recognize a lot of the names in your post. Don't know anything about any of them now.
Eddie and Arthur rescued me one night in '76 when I was out of gas.
Where did the time go...
-Bill Drago '77
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Now Jude M. Kelly in PA. Wondering how anyone from the class of 1977 is doing. Lou Anne W.? Beth H.? Mike K.? Jerry C.? Billy P.? (I remember a raw egg hitting my garage door, a cat named TC, and a bonfire in Jerry's backyard...) Bob N.? Lisa G.? Richy D.? Kim M.? Kim A.? Eddie and Arthur M.? Kathy & N.? Jean F.? Barbara B.? Bonnie H.?
I graduated with the class of 1964 and didn't recognize your name. I looked in the yearbook and couldn't find it there either. Could you please explain?